The Identity Digital registry will undergo scheduled maintenance from 2024-07-23 15:00:00 UTC to 2024-07-23 17:00:00 UTC. During this period, there may be disruptions to Identity Digital registry domain services.
Affected tlds: .ac, .academy, .ag, .agency, .asia, .associates, .band, .bet, .bike, .bio, .blue, .boutique, .builders, .business, .bz, .cab, .cafe, .camp, .capital, .care, .cash, .center, .chat, .cheap, .city, .clothing, .coach, .codes, .coffee, .community, .company, .computer, .construction, .consulting, .contractors, .cool, .credit, .cruises, .digital, .directory, .dog, .domains, .education, .email, .energy, .engineering, .enterprises, .equipment, .estate, .events, .exchange, .expert, .family, .farm, .finance, .florist, .football, .fund, .futbol, .fyi, .gallery, .games, .global, .gold, .graphics, .green, .group, .guide, .guru, .healthcare, .holdings, .house, .info, .institute, .international, .investments, .io, .ist, .istanbul, .kim, .kitchen, .land, .lc, .legal, .life, .lighting, .live, .llc, .ltd, .management, .market, .marketing, .mba, .me, .media, .mn, .mobi, .money, .network, .news, .ninja, .partners, .pet, .photography, .photos, .pictures, .pink, .plus, .pro, .productions, .properties, .recipes, .red, .rentals, .repair, .report, .restaurant, .reviews, .rocks, .run, .sale, .sc, .school, .services, .shoes, .show, .social, .software, .solutions, .studio, .supply, .support, .systems, .team, .technology, .tips, .today, .tools, .town, .toys, .training, .travel, .university, .vacations, .vc, .ventures, .video, .vin, .vision, .watch, .wine, .works, .world, .wtf, .zone
Domain management, registration and search services might be affected. We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your understanding.
Posted Jul 23, 2024 - 07:19 UTC